Isabelle Ugochukwu
Ethical Patient Data Collection: Myth, or the New Golden Standard?

The primary goal of clinical care is to benefit the patient. This principle holds true whether care is delivered in a traditional hospital or clinic setting or via a digital health platform. As the Founder and CEO of MedTech Solutions, I often ask myself, “In this era where patient-health professional interactions are increasingly digital, how do we ensure we continue to meet this fundamental goal?” After much deliberation, I have come to several conclusions. 1. This goal cannot be fully achieved without some means of data collection, analysis, and use. 2. Setting up systems to anonymize collected data and making use of that data systematically is crucial, as it benefits

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Austin Umeh
The Critical Impact of Rethinking Healthcare Norms: Why Patient-Centricity Matters

Healthcare, at its best, should be a collaborative effort. I will argue that a patient-centric approach, where patients are active partners in their care, is essential for a more effective and efficient healthcare system. While the focus will be on the UK’s National Health Service (NHS), the issues addressed are universal.   One major challenge lies in the fragmented nature of healthcare systems. Patients often navigate a maze of specialists and facilities, each with potentially incompatible electronic medical records (EMRs). This lack of interoperability, as exemplified by the fictional case of Sarah Philips, delays diagnosis, frustrates patients, and wastes resources.   Sarah Philips, a 60-year-old lady with a history of

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